ThemeCSS – Free and Premium CSS Templates, Themes for CSS Website

This is a legal agreement between you, the purchaser, and By downloading any template or theme from our website, you agree to the following:

1. The template or theme can be used for any personal or commercial projects.

2. shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental, arising out of the use of, or the inability to use, this product or any individual image.

3. Templates or themes may not be sold or redistributed (in whole or in part).

4. Images used here in ThemeCSS is temporary and you are free to change any images.

5. In Free Templates, We ask for a small link back to our website and this must remain in the footer are of the template.

This License Agreement shall remain in full force and effect throughout the entire duration of use of the template or theme. It shall be terminated in the event the user does not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement and/or the full payment has not been made.