CSS Count – We Count CSS Websites! Be inspired and counted!

We Count Millions, Thousands , Hundreds of Websites and Visitors daily who inspired by the work of others. We are one of the most updated CSS Gallery which is counting new submissions every 2 hours daily.

We offer a lowest price Advertisement on Side Banner and TextLink Ads located in every page of the website.

We´ve currently got some cool sitewide spots for banner advertisements up for taking. Please read it below.

Banner Advertisement Spots

We are offering two types of Right Side Banner Exposure. Banner advertisements will go on the right side, and there will be a maximum of 5 banners. Price list are the following:

1. (235 x 200) pixels / 1month = $40USD

2. (235 x 200) pixels / 2months = $45USD

3. (235 x 200) pixels / 3months = $50USD

4. (235 x 120) pixels / 1month = $10USD

5. (235 x 120) pixels / 2months = $20USD

6. (235 x 120) pixels / 3months = $30USD

TextLink Ads

We´ve also offer these tremendous and cheaper TextLink spots for advertisers. They´re positioned right below the header part giving them maximum exposure. We offered it cheaper and affordable. Price list are the following.

7. 1month = $20USD

8. 2months = $30USD

9. 3months = $40USD

10. 6months = $45USD

11. 1year = $65USD

Guys if you are interested advertising on us please dont hesitate to send us a message via email info[@]csscount[.]com.